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My next animation...

Posted by KobraEditing - April 27th, 2008

I was thinking I would animate a lot of very short, straight to the point, funny clips using ideas that I got...if you want to give me a short, stupid, and funny idea then tell me here. If I like your idea and I use it then I will put your profile name in one corner of the screen to show that it was your idea. Also, if you think this is a stupid idea then tell me. Remember...I will only use the ones I like. Thanks!


Make a serie about two guys looking for a gnome that stole their banana.

G'day Cobra0528

Heh... Not a bad Idea, lots of people are doing it, why not you?! I guess... Heh. Anyway for an idea, I guess I'll try and think of one to help you out man.

-Zabre1 (Mathew Z)

Hello my name is supreme-arcmage i was one of the people you replied to with your anger of the animation 3.
One of the ideas i had was about zombies i have tons of ideas on how to make them seem even more stuiped(which cant be that hard) if you are interested send me a pm.
I cannot work with flash i cant draw lol

i think you should have a trilogy for the hearts true darkness

how about a stickmans girl gets robbed like princess peach
but learns shes actually cheating on him

then tries to jump in front of a car but it brakes b 4 it hits him then gets hit by another car

Hello just here to remind you about my zombie idea i gave you the one about how everybody knows what to do in a zombie apocolyps.

I'm kinda disappointed not to see Anger of Animation 4 here, but I don't blame you for wanting to do something else. I've always wanted to use this dialog somewhere, so I'll suggest it here. something along the lines of:

[scene starts with blood stained walls, a few corpses lying around and three people]

victim: why are you doing this? why all of the murder?

assassin 1: I don't like to call it "murder." it's such an ugly word. I prefer "population control"

assassin 2: really? I call it target practice.

hmmm... gimme a while...

I think you should do something every guy will think about. What is it like in the girls bathroom? Like do a whole thing where a boy gets in the girls bathroom and there is like a womens wonderland in there. Explaining why they always go in groups looking mad and depressed and come out like they just got back from disney land.


i hope it will be good! ( i bet it will )

i think u should make a story about a guy that likes a vampire girl that walks down the street and she goes to his school but he is to shy to tell her plez mkae plez thax :)

okay how about a guy who builds a time machine and goes back in time but accidently spills beer on the control panel and goes back to the dinosaur ages
he looks left and sees a giant strawberry he shrugs then the strawberry takes out a gun and blows the guys head off.
then the camera zooms in on the strawberry and theres a line that saysjoin the army .... or else

Ok, I await your next installment man!

I dont know if its funny or anything but I was thinking like
A group of people at a bar talking about how cursing was only fun when you were a kid cause it felt like you were breaking the law, if your parents heard you say shit like that they would freak, so one of them gets the idea that it would be a rush to go to church and start cursing, so the group goes to church, and start cursing out loud and then the one who had the idea goes up to the priest and says "whats up bitch!" and so on, if your interested im writing up a script, hit me a PM

But good luck with this!

Me again ^.^ ! I would like to say that whatever you put in that flash you are making will be just hilarious. Just a thought, but what would it be like if you turned one of my zany comments into a flash? Remember, the ones on your flash series, Those Two Guys? I'm certain that you could definatly make something zany and hilarious from those comments. PM me and let me know what you think about it, k?Can't wait to see this flash! Flash critic, AWAY!!! *flys off*
XD LATER ^.^ !

Warning!: this is pretty messed up idea. i was thinkin, wat if a litter of puppies are wondering a ditch and one sniffs around which leads him to the road and he gets hit by a car. the other puppies are concerned and go over there and are like whoa are you okay..a few seconds later BOOM! the whole litter is gone. then you hear that womp womp wooooooomp background sound......told u it was messed up

You're Anger of animation series is awesome!

a zombie had comed but the human is frightened.... so the human runned!! but the
zombie said... "guess he don't like pie"....

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