just a quick animation of 3 gerbils on fire running in a circle around a dead cockroach
-Alex Burress(Alex Burntass)
Upcoming_Projects: None
Joined on 5/22/07
just a quick animation of 3 gerbils on fire running in a circle around a dead cockroach
-Alex Burress(Alex Burntass)
do something like two gay cowboys eating pudding
How about this: Goku and Vegeta apear on the screen, both look serious, looking at each other, then Goku says "Why do we have to stare at each other like this?" Vegeta answers "I dont know they do this in every battle and they waste 3 whole episode looking at each other like were a bunch of fags" "Fuck that shit, and why the hell is my wife called Chi chi, wat the fuck does chi chi even mean?!" "Yeah, bull fucking shit" "Yeah...." "So... what now?" "I think now is when we get fired" "Yeah probally...." "Gay" "Totally"
Or: Sora enters the the scene "Omg so many places to go, so many doors, lets go inside this one, and fight 1000 monsters and then come back and go through the other door and do the same thing!" Donald then says "Yeah... wait wtf? This is bullshit its the same thing over and over again, alot of places to go with 1000 monsters and if come in and out the monsters magically come back to life, fucking bullshit" Goofy then says "Yeah fuck you Sora go on and cry about your friends like a little bitch, fuck you, cya later bitch" and they leave and sora says "Fuck"
Hope you like!
Its kinda funny how you keep getting reviews worshipping you, but so few of them. (Please do somethign for madness day, im sure it would be awesome)
jimminy criket singing wish upon a death star.
jimminy cricket sings wish upon a star and darth vader blows him up using the death star
your still one of my favorite artists on this site man way to go!
and why don't you do this sketch with a rainbow land theme and a purple pony with some random lepricon eating a banana while swearing and dancing
This'll sound a little weird, but why not make fun of Stupid shows? Like say...
Pokemon parodies? Or a video game parodies? Like Mario telling Peach to stop getting captured or something?
hey, why do you not make a game about "the anger of the animation" every one are gonna love it! you can do like you can choose which one you wan't to be the animation or the animator!
why dont you mix anger of animation with a sprite movie.You can make a sprite of your own.Cant you?
You rule!
Maybe you should follow Grumio's example and make something similar to his flash "No Respect" he used the audio of a 64 Video Game called Conker's Bad Fur Day if you watch it you'll get the joke.
Great idea I love it!
Okay since you don't find my comments helpful I'll have to make one that is.
Frankly at the moment I just want my name on your news entry is that too much to ask?
1# Perhaps you could make something involving around a energy drink.... uhh mayber something along the lines of Nintendo Vii? It could provide you with a new way to drink soft drinks...? NAHH!
2# Just do something that's never been done and the only keyword of it's kind!!!!!!
A group of bloodcells doing yo mamma jokes.
hi, i´m T8gt0, you might put a new vid of kingdom hearts, or put another anger of animation, but, work with noogai(another ng user with same idea) put the animation, (obiously) and then put an army of other animations, utilize photoshop window, madness, or something else, thraw the ng tank as one of "the army of animations", put some cliches, errors, a worked background.
I will continue it later, till´ then, take care
do a series betwawen naruto102 vs admins of newgrounds or a series of naruto102 vs Sinitron