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TETRIS'D Will Return! But First...

Posted by KobraEditing - May 23rd, 2011

Unfortunately, I've still not been able to find the time to begin animating the next TETRIS'D installment. Before I find it, I need to know what the fans of the series think.

There are many different ways I can go with the series, but there are two very distinct options that I must decide between:

Option 1: Keep the style the same. No face, no voice, accompanied by music.

Option 2: Create a completely new style. Different animation, more characters, faces, voices, plot and split into multiple parts.

It's a big choice for me and I don't feel I should make it without knowing what the people who love the series want to see. More of the same style or a style that allows some deeper story?

I'm sure you've seen that there are ways to tell a story completely visually. But I'm sure you've also seen the restrictions that come with it. There are certain pieces of the story that cannot be told without some proper dialogue.

The only other option I can think of would be to have another animation summing up the story that cannot be told by the normal animation style and then to create the next animation in the original style while integrating the previously unknown and deeper side story.

Let me know what you want to see. The choice is yours.

My YouTube channel!


>Game about dodging tetris blocks.
>Add a story.
Are you retarded?

It was an animation first and there's already a story. A weak one. This is why I'm asking if people want a better one or just an action packed finish.

Hmmm. That's a tough call.

The story you've hinted at has a Matrix/Resident Evil movies feel to it. I can see how it would be difficult to continue without voices based on the end of the latest Tetris'd.

I think what your fans keep coming back for is really the style of the Tetris'd videos. Stay true to that, and they'll be happy, voices or not.

If you do decide on adding voices, I hope you'll consider me! Here's my demo:
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/418899">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/418899</a>

I can also help you write and brainstorm ideas on where to take the story. Just shoot me a PM if you decide you want help.

- Matt

Awesome demo! It's starting to look like people want me to keep the style the same. I think I'm going to have to do the 3rd thing I said. I've thought it over for a long time and there is no way I can continue it without having something explain what the hell is going on. If you want, you can send me a message on how you think the story should be explained. Gah, this is gonna be a lot of work!

keep the same syle its great as it is you know the saying "don't change whats not broken"

Thanks for answering!

I'm a fan of story, characters, and dialog, but I also try to identify where it doesn't belong. Truth be told, I think that you're really over thinking it. I don't think it needs story development at all, folks don't love it because they feel like "there's some rich secret behind why all these blocks are falling".

I think if you did add a story, it would just be to help you come up with change of scenery, change up the action, different types of bosses or whatever. You could probably think that stuff up without a storyline, but a storyline might help you with the thought process.

But really it's your call, if you feel like you want to do some story stuff, go for it. Or perhaps you could create a separate series with loose tie-ins to the Tetris'd series, but the other series would be more story driven.

Anyway I'm sure whichever route you go it'll turn out good. If you want me to do some voice work for you, I'll gladly participate, just shoot me a private message thing.

Well I feel that the second I brought in the ship dropping the blocks, the plot has demanded more. Since I made Rising, there are some unavoidable plot points that need some dialogue. I think I've found a solution. One that shouldn't hurt the finale and only people who actually care about the plot will bother to take an interest in.

well if you do action packed then with each new game you'll need something bigger more explosive. however with a story you can have filler but you have to stick with that story.

I'd say go with the action. But i think that you should leave the series alone with what it has. and maybe rework the tetris'd game and make it better.

Well, you have changed the basic concept over the movies, the first was more action, more dodging blocks, while 3 and "Beginning" seemed more focused on... Do you understand if I say "Building"? Its seemed like you found the machines and constructions more interesting than the action.

With that in mind, its clear that your animation is evolving in its own way, and my suggestion is: Do what feels best for you. We'll like it either way ;)

Possibly the best comment I've read so far. Thanks for that!

In my opinion this is something that wouldn't really benefit from having a plot; it should be kept strictly action. Maybe you could tweak the stick figures a little bit but other than that you should keep it the same.

style with 3d Animation

1 With 3D And the same song in Tetris Attacks

Just leave it the same, some things are awesome just the way it is

I want Option 1: Keep the old TETRIS'D style. Voices and faces just ruin the Tetris part, so I would advise against going with option 2.

yeah, option 2 I believe would be best due to the end of the latest tetris'd, more characters would probably be in order. (If you don't mind, I have an Original Character that I believe would go well with the series. My O.C. is a normal stick figure with a dark blue hat that's turned backwards, he has a skateboard and is skilled in the art of sword-fighting. His name is Solo.) I agree with the idea of faces and voice acting, so I choose option 2. Have a nice daaaaaaaaaaay!~

2 With Ninjas That Have Mind Control Power

First let me start off by saying, DO NOT do it in 3-d. As cool as it may sound it will ruin everything, leave the 3-d stuff to pixar and disney.

See here's what I think. Your last animation, Tetris'd rising, was like a beginning to an end. The beginning had a good plot; Evil terrestrial invaders were invaded earth and kidnapping it's people, and within months the planet itself had been dominated. But the end kind of ruined it because the ending wasn't a real cliffhanger. It didn't leave me wanting more. It seemed like "oh well he's gonna get crushed" the end.

So here's what you should do. Sort of re-make Tetris'd rising and go from there. You cannot start a story without a plot line. You already have a good idea, now you just need to expand on that. It's not like I can tell you how to create, because if you just copied me it wouldn't really be creative would it?

So basically my idea is to take a step back. Use what you have, and use your own creative skills to do what YOU think comes next. Ask questions like "Why are the creatures invading?" and "Why are they kidnapping people?". Once you get your story, THEN animate it. Don't animate unless you know what you are animating first.

I think that you will know what is best for your series and this is all the advice i have to offer. I am confident that your next video will be your best one yet!

Please keep the same style, I'm telling you, you've got to, it won't seem like Teris'd if it isn't, you really should keep the same style.

Tetris'd fan


Here's an idea: take a little bit from each choice. Have at most two more characters (each with a different color) in the series. You COULD give the characters faces but only if you decide to do close-ups of the characters.

Do NOT use voices. I personally think that facial expressions would set the mood without the need for dialog.

I think it's good to stay away from an elaborate story. What you gave us in the last episodes is good enough.

To sum it up, keep the elements from before, but make some additions like faces (of course, limited to close-ups), a couple more characters, and NO VOICES!!

That is all...

i personally really like the style. i imagined what it would be like with faces and characters and stuff. this movie wouldnt work great with that. i say you should keep it the same.

you should do it liek u have been doing it but branch it out more make it more exciting ive followed this since the get go and it fucking rocks man

I think you should change it. I have enjoyed the past 4, and I like the style a lot, but the idea of the new style make me smile. Do it(even if it it means it will take longer)
P.s. PiGPEN... no need to be a dick.

switching it up wouldnt hurt it bring more of a story if you think of it might help the story with charaters, dialoge

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